Movement |
fd 50 | forward 50 pixels |
bk 10 | backward 10 pixels |
rt 90 | turn right 90 degrees |
lt 120 | turn left 120 degrees |
rt 90, 50 | do a 90° arc of radius 50 |
home() | go to the page center |
slide x, y | slide right x and forward y |
moveto x, y | go to x, y relative to home |
turnto 45 | set direction to 45 (NE) |
turnto obj | point toward obj |
speed 30 | do 30 moves per second |
Appearance |
hide() | hide the turtle |
show() | show the turtle |
scale 8 | do everything 8x bigger |
wear yellow | wear a yellow shell |
fadeOut() | fade and hide the turtle |
remove() | totally remove the turtle |
Output |
see obj | debug the value of obj |
write 'hello' | writes a line of HTML |
p = write 'hm' | saves an HTML element |
p.html 'done' | changes old text |
append 'ok' | text without a new line |
button 'go', -> fd 10 | adds a button with an action |
read (n) -> write n*n | adds a text input with an action |
t = table 3,5 | adds a 3x5 <table> |
t.cell(0, 0). text 'aloha' |
selects the first cell of the table and sets its text |
ct() | clear text |
Drawing |
pen blue | draw in blue |
pen red, 9 | 9 pixel wide red pen |
pen null | use no color |
pen off | pause use of the pen |
pen on | use the pen again |
label 'X' | draw the letter X |
dot green | draw a green dot |
dot gold, 30 | 30 pixel gold circle |
pen path | trace an invisible path |
fill cyan | fill traced path in cyan |
cg() | clear graphics |
Properties |
turtle | name of the main turtle |
getxy() | [x, y] position relative to home |
direction() | direction of turtle |
hidden() | if the turtle is hidden |
touches(obj) | if the turtle touches obj |
inside(window) |
if enclosed in the window |
Sets |
g = hatch 20 | hatch 20 new turtles |
g = $('img') | select all <img> as a set |
g.plan (j) -> @fd j * 10 |
direct the jth turtle to go forward by 10j pixels |
Other Functions |
forever 5, -> fd 8 | go 5 times per second |
click -> fd 10 | go when clicked |
random [3,5,7] | return 3, 5, or 7 |
random 100 | random [0..99] |
play 'ceg' | play musical notes |
$(window) | the visible window |
$('p').eq(0) | the first <p> element |
$('#zed') | the element with id="zed" |